
Risa Nishiura&Kenji Hayashi Acro Yoga for Beginners

¥2,700 税込

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Date:17th Oct 15:30-17:00
Level: Beginner
Activity level:Med

Acro yoga contains method of Thai massage and acrobat, yoga that can be practiced 2 or more persons, Trust, letting go, feel, and accept are key words for this yoga.
In stead of just giving one way, give and receive each other makes you feel happiness, gratitude and touching sencation.
It might look so difficult but it can be practiced safely by communicating each other as a team. You can try advanced poses if you wish to. Its not only fun, but it has same benefit as massage or pelvis adjusting. Don’t think too hard and have fun like as if you were a kid.

『Kenji Hayashi』Bio

Kenji Hayashi
Born in Tokyo. In 2009, he began aiming to build a society, which connects each other. After he married in 2010, started trying new style of outdoor fitness activity. He met Acro yoga while he worked as Thai massage therapist, He organized Acro Yoga Japan. He teaches the Acro Yoga TT and his original bodywork method.
■Acro Yoga Japan
■Kentori therapist
■Airplane Yoga founder

Official web site: http://kenjihayashi.com/
『Risa Nishiura』Bio

Risa Nishiura
Starting teaching yoga in2008. She travels all over the world seeking traditional yet new vibes then met Acro Yoga.
She wants to add Acro yoga in Japanese culture, which lucks in body communication, She became first Acro yoga in Japan and runs ACRO YOGA JAPAN. She attended many big Yoga events, offers WS, acts as a model on magazine or media.
■Acro Yoga Japan
■Yoga Alliance E--RYT200
■AcroYoga official instructor

Official web site: http://risa-yoga.com/
acro yoga japan: http://acroyogajapan.tokyo/

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¥2,700 税込

