
Masumi lacoste Healing chakra work with Live Music

¥2,700 税込

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Date:17th 13:30-15:00
Level: All Level

Healing Chakra work with Live music
There are 7 energy points in human body on the line where energy goes through, Sushmnar. These 7 points are main Chakra, and these are door of the universal energy. By observing each chakra and energy, you will notice that body that connects with them gets activated, gains notice and personal growth. Masumi will tell you how it works and she also shares her yoga technique and meditation. With all of them, you can feel your soul grows in this chakra work class.

『Masumi Lacoste』Bio

Founder of Chakra work association, lives in Bali.
She studied Hatha yoga, Yoga therapy, Maternity yoga and baby yoga in Japan, also studied clear technique and meditation under siddha master Mahayogi Pilot babaji and received diksha in Himaraya. While she studies yoga and other work, sharing her chakra work with passion, and she likes hatha yoga that relaxes the body and mind. She holds her TT or retreat in Bali and Japan.
After she met yoga, he life became more exciting, fun and simple. It lets go of unnecessary things and become strong and flex. She wishes to share her wisdom to people.

Studio web site: http://chakrawork.jp/

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¥2,700 税込

