
Yoko Suzuki The medical practice loved by Mahatma Gandhi and Mother Theresa

¥2,700 税込

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Date:16th Oct. 13:30-15:00
Level: All Level

Homeopathy has been used by Mahatma Gandhi as his number one remedy.
Sometimes the illness which western medicine can’t help can be healed by Homeopathy.
Why and how?
It has more than 250 years of history in Europe, in many country recognize as a medicine. This class is open for everybody who wants to learn from basic.

『Yoko Suzuki』Bio

Born and raised in Nasu, Tochigi prefecture. Enjoyed childhood in the nature with her family and brothers.
45 years ago, she went to Melbourne University while she enjoys raising kids and study and was introduced to herbs. Became an Aromatherapy teacher, and studied flower essence and homeopathy, now she lives okinawa and have clients for her natural therapy and homeopathy. She also teaches abroad.

She doesn’t use western medicine but heals her client’s mental problem, pain in the body, allergy reaction, female symptoms, athma, other difficult symptoms includes cancer.

She approaches adult and kids, try to heal the symptoms without the clear causes.
It is so hard to make appointment with her, since she is a popular homeopathy doctor.

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¥2,700 税込

